1 month into senior year

It’s been about a month since my senior year started. It has been going good for the most part. Not much has changed, I still feel like I am not a senior. My grades have been good, this year I am going to try and focus on getting my homework done and getting good grades. I never really liked school and going to school but this year I have early bird and work release. Everyday at school I get out at 1:20, so I look forward to that everyday. My classes are good and all my teachers are pretty laid back this year which makes the school day go by way faster. Getting up for early bird is very difficult every morning but I still mange to get here. Since it is getting to be colder out it is going to make it extremely difficult to get out of bed everyday. I hate the cold weather and I am not looking forward to winter and the cold this year. Even though fall is my favorite holiday, I do not like the cold weather.

But just recently I turned 18, finally. That hasn’t really hit me either. I am looking forward to getting tattoos soon. My first tattoo I am going to get with my only girl cousin, Brooklyn. I am very excited to get a tattoo, once I get one I might finally feel like I am 18. Brooklyn and I are the only girl cousins so we are getting a tattoo that represents that.

Senior Year

It is bittersweet that I am a senior this year. Just yesterday I was a freshman lost in the halls trying to find my classes. I never believed anyone when they told me that high school would go by in a blink of an eye. But I am excited to graduate and to see where life is going to take me. At the same time I am also a little sad it is about to be over because some of these people I go to school with I might not see again. I have made a lot of good memories throughout high school that I won’t ever forget. Some memories were made with people I most likely won’t talk to after graduation and I have made some memories with people who will be my friends forever.

High school has taught me a lot through the years. I have changed as a person over the past four years. I have lost some friends and also have made some friends. But everything happens for a reason. I am excited about my future though. I haven’t yet decided which college I want to go to yet which is kind of stressful. I do know that I want to move out of Lincoln as soon as I can. I love my hometown but I hate the environment and the hate that goes along with living here. I am eager to see where my future is going to take me. But, it is definitely bittersweet that in only a few months I will no longer be in high school.

About Me

My name is Ryleigh and I am a senior this year at a pretty small high school. I have been looking forward to this year for the past 10 years and it is finally here. For English this year, we are having to write blogs about our lives, it should be very interesting because my life is pretty boring. I am excited for this year because I am ready to graduate and go to college. It hasn’t hit me yet that I am a senior, but here we are.

I used to enjoy being in sports and going to games and practices. But, towards the ending of my sophomore year, I realize that wasn’t something I wanted to do anymore. So I got a job. I personally think that having a job will teach me more life lessons and things I need to know for the real world. I also like having my own money and I like the feeling of independence. My life is super boring and I don’t do much besides school and work, so I don’t have much to write about.

I am super excited for this year and I’m excited to see where life is going to take me.